As we come to the end of the first year of SNAP:DRGN funding, and start planning applications for follow-up funding, it is worth rehearsing the main academic and other benefits of the SNAP:DRGN projects and the prosopographical-onomastic graph that we hope it feeds into. Continue reading Who does SNAP:DRGN serve?
Category Archives: NER
SNAP and NER for Latin inscriptions
Prosopographies have in the past often taken decades or even centuries to produce. Even for a period with relatively few sources such as antiquity, hundreds of thousands of texts had to be collected and read, personal names had to be copied on index cards, people had to be identified across sources, their relations then had to be examined and their lives had to reconstructed. Continue reading SNAP and NER for Latin inscriptions
Named Entity Recognition and SNAP
One of the other breakout sessions of the SNAP workshop dealt with Named Entity Recognition. One can wonder whether setting up a Named Entity Recognition procedure from scratch is worth the effort for an after all limited and finite set of full text documents. The experience of Trismegistos People has shown the answer is definitively YES. Continue reading Named Entity Recognition and SNAP