At last week’s SNAP workshop in King’s College London, we had a very successful and enjoyable two-day meeting, introducing the principles of and the preliminary work done by the SNAP:DRGN project in its first three months, and hearing from several potential project partners about their datasets, practices and reactions to our proposals. It was an extremely productive and positive affair, even when discussions sometimes became vigorous! I don’t mean to summarize all of the discussions and outcomes here (a series of blog posts by my colleagues over the next couple of weeks will do more of that), but I will share what I can of the presentations and slideshows that were shown at the workshop.
On the first morning, Sebastian Rahtz and Mark Depauw gave a presentation on two of the core SNAP datasets:
- Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (slides PDF)
- Trismegistos People (slides PPT)
And then Faith Lawrence and Hugh Cayless talked about the SNAP data model and ontologies:
- SNAP Data Model (slides PDF)
And Leif Isaksen summed up and led discussion on the topic of Snap use-cases:
- SNAP:DRGN Use Cases (slides PDF)
In the afternoon, there were lightning presentations from five experts on prosopography and/or linked open data:
- John Bradley on prosopography and the Factoid/Attestation model (slides PDF)
- Øyvind Eide on Co-referencing in CIDOC-CRM (slides PDF)
- Ethan Gruber on Roman social network and EAC-CPF (slides PPT)
- Anna Jordanous on Sharing Ancient Wisdoms (slides PPT)
- Rainer Simon on Pelagios ontologies and tools (slides PPT)
And five representative (but by no means comprehensive) examples of prosopographical data from potention project partners:
- Gernot Höflechner on the Perseus Catalog (slides PDF)
- Maggie Robb on Digitizing the Prosopography of the Roman Republic (slides PPT)
- Charlotte Roueché on Prosopgraphy of the Byzantine World (slides PPT)
- Jeanne-Nicole Saint Laurent and Daniel Schwarz on Syriaca and the Catalogue of Saints (website)
- Wolfgang Schmidle on the Zenon database (slides PDF)
On the second day, before we broke up into smaller groups for discussion of specific topics (which will be discussed in further blog posts here), Sebastian gave a presentation on data migration:
- Introduction to Data Migration for SNAP (slides PDF)
And we also presented the first draft of the SNAP Cookbook–version 1.0 of which will be posted on this website (see the “Cookbook” tab above) when it’s ready for public consumption.
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